Wednesday, May 23, 2007

What if something goes wrong at the wedding?

It's the fear of every bride: What if something goes wrong at the wedding? It did for Jan Schaefer, but she learned that the wedding, like life, goes on.

Jan's tale of trouble started on the day of her marriage to Dick Schaefer, shortly before the ceremony. Her brother, Kevin, noticed a hole along the seam of his tuxedo. Grandmother came to the rescue - with white thread that was touched up with black marker. Still, Kevin, the usher, was not able to seat guests.

"The guests were coming into the bathroom, and I was standing there in my underwear," he recalls.

Meanwhile, Jan's parents, and the groom's parents, went to the front of the church to light the parents' candles in the unity set.

Everything was fine until the mothers lit the unity candle - intended to be lit by Jan and Dick during the ceremony - at exactly the same time. Dick says, "They laughed so hard, they couldn't blow it out."

While most of the guests probably missed the first two incidents, the third was a little hard to miss. Kevin, pants securely sewed together, couldn't get the white runner to unroll before Jan's walk down the aisle.

"I gave it a little tug, and it didn't go anywhere," Kevin chuckles. "I tugged a little harder, but it still didn't go anywhere. I pulled a little harder, and it pulled up all the tacks."

Kevin, tired of the follies, picked up the runner, tucked it under his arm, and took it out of the sanctuary. Jan, oblivious to most of what was happening, just wanted the wedding to begin. And, once it did, everything came off without a hitch.

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