Thursday, May 22, 2008

Soak away pre-wedding stress

If you're wedding day is right around the corner, it's time to find a way to relax your muscles and pamper your skin before the big day. The skin care experts at Amway, makers of Artistry skin care and cosmetics, suggest these tips to soak away pre-wedding stress:

  • In the bath, we create our own private world. According to a recent
    study, 46 percent of women relax by taking a bath. This is a great time to
    delight in your favorite music, enjoy your favorite novel or even sing
    your favorite song -- it's your time to relax.
  • Before you slip away into your warm respite, take a few minutes to
    prepare your body. A shoulder and back stretch help melt away tension
    and induce a deeper state of relaxation.
  • The effectiveness of your stress-relieving bath soak is related to the
    water temperature. Because it corresponds with the body's natural
    temperature, 95-100 degrees is preferred. If you'd like to open your
    pores to encourage a detoxifying sweat, use water temperatures between
    100-104 degrees. Keep hot baths brief and follow with a cool shower to
    close the pores, restore the body to its natural temperature and help
    to retain body heat.
  • It has been said that when body temperature and water temperature
    converge, the mind experiences a sense of euphoria. Using aromatherapy
    in the bath can make your bath relaxing or energizing, depending on the
    blend used. Aromas stimulate the olfactory sense, which sends signals
    to the brain. The brain then transmits messages that help promote a
    beneficial emotional and psychological response. To soothe and relax,
    try this recipe: 1 cup chamomile, 1/2 cup rose petals, 1 cup lavender
    and 1 cup lemon verbena. To energize, try this recipe: 1 cup Clary
    Sage, 1/2 cup Peppermint and 1 cup Rosemary.
  • Use bath time to give your body the extra pampering it deserves.
    Soaking loosens calluses on feet and elbows and is an ideal time to
    exfoliate. People shed their skin 899 times during their lifetimes.
    In the bath, we are renewed; by sloughing off dead skin, we literally
    allow our inner selves to surface. Make sure to use a good moisturizer
    when you finish your bath for smooth, silky feeling skin.
  • Give special attention to your face. Pampering needn't stop once you
    get out of the tub. Giving yourself a quick, refreshing mini-facial is
    a great way to cleanse and nourish the skin. Use Artistry Hydrating
    Masque for a surge of moisture to relieve dry skin. Relax while it
  • It's time to take your mind off all of the last minute wedding details and
    focus on making yourself look and feel your best. After all, it's your
    special day and you deserve it!

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