Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mapping Out Wedding Day Logistics

One or two weeks before the date, sit down and do a realistic schedule for the big day. You may give this to others, so include such obvious details as the wedding's and reception's specific starting times.

Begin in the morning, and follow events throughout the day. Think about the role of all service providers and write them into the schedule. Every vendor should be in the schedule, which is really a checklist to ensure that everyone knows exactly where and when to appear.

People to include in the schedule

  • The officiant

  • Attendants, ushers

  • Photographer

  • Musicians

  • Soloist or choir conductor

  • Caterer, catering manager, or banquet coordinator

  • Decorator

  • Table linens supplier

  • Florist

  • Wedding cake supplier (if other than the caterer)

  • Other

Details to consider

  1. Do your attendants and service providers have specific addresses and instructions about where to be and where to deliver goods?

    Churches, temples, hotels, catering halls -- even some restaurants -- can be massive buildings with many entrances. Be specific.

  2. Is there someone for each of these vendors to check in with when they arrive?

  3. Musicians and off-site caterers may need special directions about unloading and storing equipment.

    If your wedding ceremony or celebration is being held at an unusual site such as a home, public mansion or unfamiliar club, make sure to provide your vendors with this information. Let's say a specialty bakery will deliver a cake and pastries for a dessert buffet. Where and when can these goods be delivered? Do they need to be stored in a cooler until just before serving time?

  4. Security may also be a consideration.
    Where, for example, can photographers safely stow their equipment when it's not in use?

  5. Will photographers need special electrical outlets or equipment, such as extension cords?

  6. Who will handle wedding gifts?

    What about checks and money?

  7. If transportation is part of the logistics, think through the details of moving yourself, your family and guests.

    Don't forget arrivals and departures, if you're scheduling buses or vans to transport them.

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